The Pour Over


We like to keep it simple. This method is one of the easiest ways to create the perfect cup of coffee. 

Tools: Coffee Dripper, Coffee Filter, Kettle, Digital Scale

Step 1: Bring 20 oz. of filtered water to a boil in your kettle.

Step 2: Place a filter in the dripper. Pre-wet the filter with a little hot water and then dump the water (skip this step if using our wood pour over). 

Step 3: Place 1 oz. of ground coffee into the filter and create an even surface. Place the digital scale underneath your dripper setup and set it to zero.

Step 4: Slowly pour the filtered hot water over the coffee, starting at the outer edges and circling in towards the center until the grounds are saturated with water & the scale reads 1.7 oz.

• wait about 1 minute •

Step 5: Continue slowly adding water in a circular motion until the scale reads 12.5 oz.

• total brew time is between 3:00 - 3:30 •

